Monday, April 11, 2011


Internet Access
60% of adults access Internet every day in 2010

Adults using the Internet everyday

In 2010, 30.1 million adults in the UK (60 per cent) accessed the Internet every day or almost every day. This is nearly double the estimate in 2006 of 16.5 million.

The number of adults who had never accessed the Internet in 2010 decreased to 9.2 million, from 10.2 million in 2009. There were 38.3 million adults who were Internet users (having accessed the Internet in the three months prior to interview).

Internet use is linked to various socio-economic and demographic indicators, such as age, location, marital status and education. For example, the majority of those aged 65 and over (60 per cent) had never accessed the Internet, compared with just 1 per cent of those aged 16 to 24. While 97 per cent of adults educated to degree level had accessed the Internet, 45 per cent without any formal qualifications had done so.

The number of adults who bought or ordered goods or services online within the last 12 months reached 31 million in 2010. These Internet shoppers represented 62 per cent of all adults. The most popular products bought online were clothes and sporting goods, with 52 per cent of Internet shoppers buying these products.

Watching television or listening to the radio over the Internet has been growing in popularity in recent years, with 17.4 million adults doing this in 2010, compared with 6.4 million in 2006.

Social networking was also a popular Internet activity in 2010, with 43 per cent of Internet users posting messages to social networking sites or chat sites, blogs etc. Social networking activities proved to be most popular among 16 to 24-year-olds with 75 per cent posting messages, while 50 per cent of this age group uploaded self created content. However, social networking is not limited to young adults, with 31 per cent of Internet users aged 45 to 54 having used the Internet to post messages, while 28 per cent uploaded content.

There were 19.2 million households with an Internet connection in 2010, representing 73 per cent of households. The region with the highest level of access was London, with 83 per cent, the lowest was the North East, with 59 per cent.

When adults were asked why their household did not have an Internet connection, the most common response was that they didn’t need it, at 39 per cent, followed by 21 per cent who said a lack of skills prevented them from having the Internet.

data source : Office for National Statistics online

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


normal picture

high dinamic range (hdr)

An HDR photo can have a very high dynamic range which makes it possible to capture scenes with extremely  high contrast. HDR photo can include all the details that a human eye is able to see.

This is my first attempt create hdr photo..this picture taken around residential college of my university..the combination of cloud (sky) and the building make this picture looks depth..we can see every detail in this hdr create this picture, you must combine 3 of same picture but different exposure..(normal,over expose and under expose).

Monday, March 21, 2011


Butterfly light 
this is example of butterfly light..we can see the effect butterfly under model's nose..the source of light should be higher than model and photographer take the picture directly in front of the also make more darker under model's cheek..

Front light

front light is the basic..only put the source of light in front of the model and can directly shoot the photo..we can see detail of the model but this effect of light looks boring and overcome it, make model position more to the side

Outline light

outline lighting or back lighting is kind of interesting effect..the source of light is put at the back and in front of model..this means there are two source of lighting..the effect of it, we can see the outline of the model

Rembrant light

Rembrant light is also known as third-quarter light..light source is put third-quarter in front of model..we can see only half of the model face and some light at right cheek of model

Side light
Side lighting is a useful alternative to front lighting. light source at the side of model

Monday, March 7, 2011

architecture landscape

this picture is taken from medan pelita at kuching..the view is very is the building of dun sarawak..the surrounding landscape inspire me to take this picture of architecture landscape..i also use photoshop to change a little bit value of colour to make picture more attractive..i use blur technique to focus of the building.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Opening title sequence drama Nur Kasih

this is storyboard of opening title sequences drama Nur Kasih. use 3d layer to introduce the actor and actress and also has other effect for the text. duration around 40-50seconds. use song from this movie theme, Nur Kasih by yasin.

Friday, February 4, 2011

photography light graffiti

i take this picture in my room..i just do it myself..try create my name 
using this photography light graffiti..i use my Canon PowerShot S5 IS..with
iso 100,aperture f4 and shutter speed 6"

this picture was taken around 12am..with the help of my friends..using 
nikon d3000 with iso 100,aperture f22 and in the bulb mode..

motion graphic

Sunday, January 23, 2011

GKG2144: Digital Photography for Designers (23076)

this is picture of of this basket create pattern

this also the same..picture of my create pattern when 
and flower is repeating

the picture looks symmetry because side of left and right is same

~depth of field~
depth of field photography,i take picture of nature that is flower and's looks blur at the background so it create depth

i choose tree as a subject matter in line photography..the branches 
of the tree create many diagonal line..and also the tree that is arranged 
in order create simple horizontal line

this picture is texture of my shoes..

picture bunch of banana that create composition with the 
arrangement of banana

this landscape is a picture of bridge at unimas lake